Adrian Wewer OFM., was a Brother Architect who entered the Franciscan Order in 1858, at Warendorf, Germany. Born and christened Antonius Wewer, he grew up in Harsewinkel-a small predominantly Roman Catholic town in Westphalia, Germany. In 1862, when he and other German Confreres were sent to Teutopolis, Illinois, his Provincial Minister in Germany wrote of him, "Brother Adrian is an excellent religious and a skilled carpenter." Working with older Brothers on construction projects for growing German - American Catholic Communities, Bro. Adrian developed his talents for designing church furniture and architecture. He became the primary architect for the Franciscan Province of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the "St. Louis-Chicago" Province and served his Order in this capacity for half a century.

Please join us in celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the life of Brother Adrian Wewer.

October 18, 2014

Adrian Wewer Centennial Celebration
Concluding Conference and

Br. Adrian Wewer Centennial Celebration: Keynote - B. Gunar Gruenke HD
Br Adrian Wewer and His Times Dr James A Harmon

 Br. Adrian Wewer Centennial Celebration: Cemeteries Jeannie Regan Dinius HD


The Adrian Wewer Exposition Exhibit is coming to a venue near you!


This is the first ever major exhibition of the life and career of Br. Adrian Wewer, OFM.  who, designed more than 100 churches, college buildings, seminaries, schools, friaries, convents, and hospitals. These buildings have become historic landmarks throughout the United States.

The Neo-Romanesque and Neo-Gothic style used in the Mid-west to the Spanish Mission styles of the Southwest, you will appreciate the beauty of the buildings designed by this most talented architect.

Nov 2014
Indianapolis, IN,
Indy Public Library

Adult Program Specialist

Programming & Project Development

The Indianapolis Public Library
Indianapolis, IN

Contact: Susan Davis (317) 275-4085


German American Heritage Museum in Washington DC in January 2015
719 6th Street NW
Washington, DC 20001

Contact:  202-467-5000

St Mary's Basilica in Phoenix AZ in Feb 2015.

Saint Mary’s Basilica
231 North 3rd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004-2219


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Commemorative Christmas Ornament
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